Audience Feedback:
Looking Backwards– Moving Forwards
Conservatoire East. June 12th 2024. New Writing Project
What did you enjoy/found impactful about the evening?
· Everything. It was wonderful! I wish I could have done the course.
· Not your normal trip to the theatre! Truly amazing and such a wonderful evening to be part of and see such hard, brave and wonderful writing and acting.
· Creativity and organisation of the whole event.
· Giving the students opportunities to explore other areas of performance.
· I thought it was great that the space was so supportive for the writers.
· Having ex students of Con East to perform was a nice touch to inspire them.
· Simple yet effective staging.
· Powerful writing. Brave, painful, thought provoking.
· The variety of what was presented, especially in light of their age and writing experience.
· The energy. How hard the students worked on their writing.
· How much the young actors cared about how they represented the work.
· The interaction with the playwrights. The Q and A.
· Brilliant show.
· Truly loved it.
· Hats off to the director, writers and the actors.
· Powerful and moving. Choked up a couple of times.
· A very powerful evening. Impressive.
Participants’ Feedback:
Looking Backwards – Moving Forwards
Conservatoire East. June 12th 2024. New Writing Project
What did you get from attending the project?
· I understood how to use writing to enhance my voice. I think the course was very therapeutic for me to do.
· I have learnt so much about script writing which has helped with confidence in general and inspired me to write more and be open to similar things in the future.
· I’ve learnt a new skill and I can see how writing can help acting/performing.
· I learnt about actioning (a theatre writing technique) I gained more confidence and interest in writing in the future.
What did you enjoy about the writing workshops?
· I enjoyed the safe space that was created and I liked the advice and discussions that we had.
· The environment and feedback of others and being able to read others’ work.
· I loved working with everyone and thoroughly enjoyed it. I felt I wasn’t judged and have been massively inspired.
· I enjoyed how supportive everyone was and that Danny (workshop leader) had us get up and perform each other’s.
What did you enjoy about the public readings?
· I liked how well they were directed and teched (lighting and sound) as well as the question and answer we did afterwards.
· I liked seeing mine and other work on stage and how it was interpreted by the actors.
· Seeing the different takes from the director/actors compared to how I would have envisioned it.
· I liked watching my work and I loved everyone’s.